Cabal Page 15
“The Global Union is a grand bureaucracy. If anyone is still going to have a job when the smoke clears, it will be government workers. Just tell me how to set up my user ID and password. I’m pretty good at finding my way around once I’m inside.” Josh sat at the desk so Sam could stand behind him and walk him through the login process.
“Sure.” Sam listed off a series of steps to navigate through the setup process and watched as Josh completed them without any issues. “From the sound of things, the guys from Silicon Valley are planning to streamline things. No more government bloat. I’m not so sure about your theory concerning job security. Plus, if we’re absorbed by some global network, I’m guessing they’ll outsource all of these types of jobs to another country, or another region, whatever it’s going to be called. That’s what all the big tech companies do. And from the looks of things, the guys from Google, Facebook, and Omniscience are going to be running the show.”
“It’s pretty evenly split, from what I understand.” Josh did not want to let on to his own misgivings about the new global system. “Anyway, people in the IT field will always have a job.”
“Yeah, but a lot of the people here struggle with basic file management tasks. I worry for them.”
“Okay, looks like I’m inside. I appreciate your help.” Josh felt glad that he’d not wasted an entire day on the formal orientation.
“No problem. Let me know if you need anything.” Samuel stood at the door.
“Anything else?” Josh asked.
“Yeah, why are you really here?” Samuel spoke in a hushed tone. “I won’t say anything.”
“What do you mean?”
“Census, they wouldn’t be running an audit during all of this mess. In fact, I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
“It was scheduled long before this whole crisis blew up. Like I said, bureaucracy.”
“Oh, okay. I suppose if you could tell me, you wouldn’t be here under the pretenses of working for Census. It’s just, if we’re getting shut down, taken over by the Global Union, I’d appreciate a heads up.”
“I’m not aware of anything like that coming down the pike,” Josh said sincerely.
“Okay. Text me if you need anything.”
“I will, thanks again.” He stood up and closed the door of the tiny storage room. Josh’s first order of business was to access the DMV database and change the address of his Joshua Carter driver’s license. It took him a few minutes, but he eventually figured out the system and completed his objective.
Next, he began looking for recently deceased people which could provide alternate IDs for his family and Emilio. He had a bad feeling about everything that was going on and was starting to think that he might be on the wrong side.
“If I get us new IDs, we’ll need an address. One the FBI or DHS has never heard of. One still in Kentucky, since that’s the only place I can send new driver’s licenses. But far away from Louisville, Lexington, and Frankfort.”
Josh spent the rest of the day piecing together a contingency plan, in case he had to relocate in a hurry.
My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.
Hillary Clinton—May 2013 speech to the Brazilian bank Banco Itau
Josh listened to the radio on the way to the Vital Statistics office on Wednesday morning.
The WNN Radio male reporter announced, “President Winter will be holding a press conference today at noon. Sources inside the administration have told WNN that he will announce America’s commitment to the new Global Union charter. World leaders from around the globe began gathering at the UN on Monday to discuss the new charter and iron out the details of the various stipulations contained therein.
“WNN learned that the Russian president, the president of China, as well as the heads of state of all OPEC member nations left the meeting after lunch yesterday. In and of itself, the fact that these countries’ representatives departed early would not be so worrisome. But, as of this morning, we’ve received unconfirmed reports that China and Russia are closing their embassies in Washington DC. It is unknown at this time whether or not participation in the charter is required to maintain membership status with the UN, but these rumors certainly lend credence to the pundits who have speculated as much.
“We have obtained a list of the amendments to the charter. I’ll highlight some of the amendments which will have the most impact on the everyday lives of Americans. Obviously, all signatories are agreeing to the common currency, the global mark. Along with the new monetary system, comes a new central banking authority to be based in San Francisco, called the Global Bank. The board of governors for the new Global Bank will consist of the president of the European Central Bank, the chairman of the US Federal Reserve, the general manager of the Bank of International Settlements, Chairperson of the IMF, and the president of the World Bank.
“All signatories have agreed to begin implementation of sustainable development practices which will bring Global Union members in line with Agenda 2030 goals. This amendment is thought to have the widest reach as it will give the Global Union authority over city planning, building permits, resource extraction, as well as fuel usage and emission standards for vehicles, residential dwellings, and factories.
“Open trade and open borders is another of the amendments, which will allow commerce to flow freely between member countries. This amendment will greatly reduce border checkpoints between member nations and requires that the United States adopt a gun control policy more in keeping with those of the other member nations.
“In his address at noon today, President Winter is expected to announce an assault weapons ban similar in scope to Diane Feinstein’s 1994 Assault Weapons Ban. However, sources say the new ban will not include a grandfather clause.”
Josh had a sinking sensation in his stomach. “I’ve known about all of this for almost two weeks. But for some reason, this feels like the moment America died.”
Just then, Joshua Carter’s phone rang. He kept the ringer of his personal phone turned off so it would never sound at an inopportune time. He checked the caller ID before answering. “Rev, how are you?”
“Been better, to tell you the truth. Are you watching the news?”
“I’m on my way to work. But I’m listening on the radio.”
“Are you getting all of this about the New World Order?”
“Yeah. It’s a pretty aggressive roll-out.”
“My thoughts exactly. I can’t say I’m surprised by any of it. But, I figured they’d be a little more leisurely about it all rather than smacking us across the head with everything at once. Anyway, a bunch of us are heading to the State Capitol to protest. I know you have work, but maybe you could come by during your lunch break since it’s just across town for you.”
“I don’t know what good it will do. This is a federal matter.”
“It is, but we’re petitioning the governor to opt-out.”
“How could he possibly do that? He’d have to secede from the United States.”
“Call it what you want. The people of Kentucky are being forced into this thing without our consent. If Kentucky leaves, we think it will inspire other states to opt-out. We don’t need their currency, their new bank, their global trade union, and we sure don’t need their gun control and sustainability rules.”
“I might be able to get out of work early. I’ll see you down there.”
“Thanks, Josh. We appreciate your support.”
No sooner had he ended the call with Rev than his personal phone vibrated in his pocket. Josh took it out. “Emilio.”
“You watching this?”
“Listening on the radio.”
“I don’t know about all of this.”
Josh didn’t want him to say anything more over the phone. The fact that they worked for t
he government made it more likely that their calls were being recorded, not less. “I can’t talk right now. Come by tonight. We’ll speak in person.”
Emilio seemed to catch the clue. “Alright. I’ll see you around eight.”
Josh pulled into the parking lot at Vital Statistics and went to his office. From there, he’d get as much information as he could about the new charter and the rights America had signed away in exchange for yet another fiat currency. He’d wait until after the president’s address before joining Patriot Pride at the State Capitol Building. Josh wanted no distractions while listening and he wanted to hear the official story before forming an opinion.
Samuel met him in the hallway. “Hey, Josh. Did you get settled in okay?”
“Yes, but I have a question. Can you come to my office for a second?”
“Sure.” Samuel followed him. “I guess you heard about the charter.”
“I did.” Josh sat in his chair and opened his computer. “Let’s say I needed to delete certain transactions from my user name. Is that possible?”
“You’re supposed to be able to delete your Facebook account, but I’ve never met anyone who’s been able to do it. What would be easier is to have a phantom user name. Anything you didn’t want associated with your account could be performed under the separate account. The events will always be recorded inside the system, but unless someone knows the specific activity they’re searching for or the user name to look under, it would be like trying to find a small needle in a big haystack.”
“How big of a haystack?”
“One the size of the Pacific Ocean.”
“Could you do that for me? Set up a phantom account and show me how to delete it when I’m finished?”
Samuel’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t know who you work for, but it must be pretty far up the food chain. I was instructed to give you the highest possible access level. Even so, I have to exercise discretion here. What you’re asking for sounds illegal. I’d have to speak with the director before I can do that.”
Josh looked into his eyes. “Would it help if I told you that you’re doing your country a favor?”
“I suppose America needs all the help she can get about now, but still, it would be crossing a line to do what you’re asking of me.”
Josh sighed. “Alright, I’ll go through my channels. I can’t have you putting in a request like that to your superior. What I’m working on has to stay confined to a very small circle of people.”
Samuel watched Josh for a while. “If I do it for you, will you tell me what’s going on? Who you work for?”
Josh turned to the young man, happy that he’d taken the bait. “I’ll tell you what I can. But that’s limited.”
Samuel appeared crushed by curiosity. “Okay. Let’s hear it.”
Josh had him step further inside the tiny office so he could close the door. He pulled out his badge wallet and flashed his badge. He did it quickly so Samuel wouldn’t have time to see what agency he worked for.
Samuel’s eyes lit up with excitement. “CIA?”
Josh pressed his lips together. He neither confirmed nor denied the speculation. “Everything that’s going on was planned weeks ago. All the interviews that you’re watching on television are scripted. The networks and all levels of government are in on it. They had the new currency ready to go before the dollar collapsed, but they didn’t think people would accept it until they got desperate. Well, now we’re desperate, and we’re taking it hook, line, and sinker.
“When the smoke clears, Lucius Alexander is going to be the one running the show. He’ll be the head of the Global Union. He’ll be over Winter and all the rest of them. I don’t know how he pulled it off, but he did and they’re going to give him the keys to the kingdom.”
Samuel looked at the stacks of office supplies on the shelf next to him. “I knew it!”
“So plan accordingly.” Josh stood up from his chair to make room for Samuel. “Now, can you hook me up with that phantom account?”
“Sure.” Within minutes, the ghost account was set up. “When you’re finished with this, just go to the dashboard and select, edit user. Then click delete user. You have top-level admin clearance. You shouldn’t have a problem with that.”
“Thanks.” No sooner had Samuel left the tiny office than Josh used the ghost account to create a new ID for himself, using the name and social security number of a recently deceased man from Covington, Kentucky who was about Josh’s age. Once inside the DMV database, Josh cut and pasted his own picture using the drivers’ license given to him by the FBI. He printed out a copy of the new ID which used the address of the hotel where he’d stayed upon his arrival. “This will do for now.”
Josh took the photocopy to the nearest pack and post store.
“Can I help you?” asked the attendant.
“I need to rent a mailbox.”
“Sure. Fill out this form, and I’ll need to see your ID.”
“We just moved here. I was robbed at gunpoint, and my wallet was stolen. I have a photocopy of my ID. Will that work? We’re closing on our house back in Florida, and I’m waiting for some important documents. I don’t want them going to the hotel where we’re staying. The people at the front desk are completely incompetent, and I’m afraid they’ll misplace the documents. With everything else that’s going on, I don’t think I could handle it.”
“Normally, I’d say no. But my sister had her purse snatched last week, so I know what you’re going through. I can’t figure out what’s going on with people. These are trying times, and they’re just making things worse. I feel for anyone caught in the middle of a move during all this.”
Josh sighed as he filled out the form. “Yeah, it’s been a rough couple of weeks.”
Within minutes, Josh had paid for the mailbox in cash and had the key to his new address, which was completely unassociated with his real name or alias.
He rushed back to the office and changed the address on the drivers’ license using the physical address of the postal service store and unit number rather than box number. Next, with his new name and address, he navigated to and began the registration process for an S-Corp. The name of his new company, which he’d use for any future land acquisitions, would be Sustainable Timber Corporation. The façade was a thin one, but perhaps it would be enough to provide some anonymity at a future date.
After lunch, Josh went straight to the Capitol Building in the clothes he’d worn to the office. When he arrived, he pulled his Join-or-Die ball cap over his head, even though it didn’t match his loafers, khakis, and polo shirt.
The parking area was packed. He had to search for several minutes winding through the parking garage before he finally found a spot. “Wow, this is a lot more people than just the folks from Patriot Pride.” As he made his way toward the capitol building, Josh saw hundreds upon hundreds of people. Old people, young people, and those in between. He saw people with signs, people with flags, and people who were angry. He looked for Rev and the others but didn’t see any of them.
He saw a thin woman with frizzy red hair and a pointed nose. Next to her was a stocky woman with the female version of a mullet. He thought he recognized the redhead from the rally in Lexington. He sprinted over to her. “Excuse me, are you with Patriot Pride?”
“Mmmhmm. You’re the new guy, right?”
“Yes, Josh. Do you know where everyone else is?”
“We’re over by the steps. Come on. I’ll show you.” She motioned for him to follow her through the crowd. “I’m Pam, by the way. And this is Ruth.”
“Good to meet you both.”
“There’s Ted and Steve.” The hefty woman pointed through the masses and waved energetically.
Josh saw a tall slender man with beady eyes and thick glasses. Next to him was a burly fellow, who was bald on top, yet had shoulder-length hair on the sides and back. “I guess there really is somebody for everybody,” Josh whispered to himself.
/> “Wow! This is some turnout,” said the man with thick glasses.
Pam stood next to the beady-eyed man as if to claim her prize. “Yeah, have you guys met Josh?”
“No.” The thin man looked at him suspiciously.
Josh offered him his hand. “Josh Carter, good to meet you.”
The lanky man’s thin lips softened. “I’m Ted.”
The guy with the long hair was much more generous with his hospitality. He shook Josh’s hand. “I’m Steve. Good to meet you.”
“Likewise,” said Josh.
“Let’s find the others.” Pam led Ted by the hand through the crowd. Josh followed with Ruth and Steve trailing close behind.
Josh spotted Rev and waved.
“Did you bring all these people?” Rev joked.
“No. I can’t take credit for that.”
Solomon, the Iraqi War Vet, joined the conversation. “Maybe Americanism isn’t dead after all. If enough of us refuse to tolerate this business, perhaps they’ll back down.”
“That would surprise me greatly. The only thing tyrants like these respond to is violence.” Ethan Combs shook Josh’s hand. “I’m glad you could come.”
“I hope you’re wrong about that, Ethan.” Christina looked around at the outraged crowd. “For all of our sakes.”
“Me, too. But history suggests that I’m not.” He put his hand on Josh’s shoulder. “When the time comes, can we count on you?”
Josh looked at Christina who had worried eyes. “I’m with her. I’m hoping we can turn this around through the political process.”
“The political process was just taken out behind the woodshed and shot in the head like a sick dog,” said Ethan. “You’re wasting your time putting any hope in that.”
Josh looked at the pavement beneath his feet, hating the fact that he’d been sent here to spy on these people who seemed like they had a legitimate grievance with the turn the country was taking. He looked back up at Ethan. “If that’s the case, I’ll not stand idly by while my country is taken over by the New World Order.”