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American Exit Strategy: Book 1 Page 10
American Exit Strategy: Book 1 Read online
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"Larry, good to hear from you again. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Paul asked. The Governor had held several fund raisers for Paul at the Governor's Mansion in Austin. It was only about 70 miles from Randall's Ranch.
"Highway patrol chopper spotted a convoy of six DHS armored vehicles out of Austin headed south on 35 toward San Antonio. You’re doing anything to make new friends in DC?" Governor Jacobs asked.
"I had a heated conversation with Mustafa a couple hours ago. I'm not south, I am west. If they were coming here, they would have taken 290 west to 16.” Randall replied.
"That’s the way you would come." Larry Jacobs countered. “Those are the back roads, not the highway. DHS is big government; they would never do anything the most efficient way. They may be headed to San Antonio and then hook back up 10 towards Kerrville. I’m going to have 50 State Troopers rendezvous at Comfort, Texas and form a road block on the north side of town. You should get a bag ready and head somewhere else. Do you have somewhere you can go? Don't tell me, you shouldn't say anything on the phone. I'll call you if they are spotted heading north on 10. You will only have about 30 minutes if they get around the road block. They could roll right over the Squad cars if they are determined. You should start getting things ready now. Stay in Texas, you know we will protect you here. I am sending two Highway Patrolmen to escort you and they will let me know where you are. I will arrange plain clothes protection and counter surveillance for wherever you decide to bug out to."
"Thanks Larry. I guess I am America’s most wanted." Paul said.
"There is no telling what kinda stuff Mustafa will pull. You just keep your head down." Larry said.
Paul right away began getting things together. He had Kimberly get a bag together and also the twins. The boys were 18, so they understood when things were urgent without being told all the details. His first thought was his ranch foreman's house in Boerne, but that was south, the same direction DHS would be coming from.
Paul's friend and fellow rancher, Jimmy Thompson, had a cabin on Lake Meredith. Paul and Kimberly had visited them there before and stayed several days.
As soon as he thought of the cabin, Paul called Larry back. "Larry, would it be too much to ask for a lift in the Highway Patrol helicopter?” he asked.
"I'll do better than that; I'll send you my chopper." Larry replied.
"You don't know how much I appreciate it." Paul said.
"I am so happy to have the opportunity to help you out Paul." Larry added.
Jimmy Thompson had left an open invitation to use the cabin whenever they wanted. This is not exactly what he had in mind when he made the offer, but Jimmy was a patriot and would be glad to help if he knew the situation. Paul did not want to make any calls on their phones so he couldn't exactly call to ask permission. He gave Sonny a list of supplies and some cash so credit card transactions wouldn't be tracked. He gave him a map of where the cabin was and told him to come up in two days. He sent Sonny out the door right away, so he wouldn't get caught up in the nonsense.
Larry called back about the time the helicopter landed. "The chopper should be there soon."
"It just landed in the back field." Paul replied.
"The DHS convoy turned north on 10. They are heading your way. I bet when you were fighting the NDAA indefinite detention clause, you never thought it might be used on you.” Larry commented.
"I knew it would be used on Americans, which is why I fought it. It allows them to hold any citizen without charging them. It is an abomination to the Constitution. You don't build a police state unless you intend to use it." Paul said.
The men cut their conversation short so Paul could get going. The Randalls grabbed their bags and an assortment of rifles, shotguns and pistols. He trusted Texas Governor Larry Jacobs to provide protection for them at the cabin, but Paul, Kimberly and the twins were ready to get involved if need be. Shooting was a regular pastime for them. They all trained together in the back forty of the ranch.
The Randall's boarded the helicopter and headed to the cabin.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
-Samuel Adams
Paul Randall slept only a few hours. He was tired, angry and unhappy about the turn the country had just taken. This speech was not to be a call to arms, nor was it to be a concession speech. It was to be an American Exit Strategy. It was to be the last harbinger to prepare for the coming social and economic meltdown.
Paul installed the encryption software to be sure the Skype message being telecast to the networks could not be tracked to his location. He also set the recorder so the message could be uploaded to an assortment of social media networks and alternative media websites if the networks shut him down.
Ed Nolan of CNC interrupted the program that was on air. "Senator Paul Randall will be making a much anticipated statement regarding the outcome of the election. We have had no news of the Senator's whereabouts, nor have we received any advanced notification of a concession speech. We are going to the Skype speech now."
Paul Randall appeared on CNC and the screens of all the major networks.
"America" Paul began "Today is a sad day for us all. I am being forced to come to you from a remote location, because the present administration was afraid of what I might say.
DHS agents went to my home to detain me without cause. They came in six armored personnel carriers armed with automatic weapons to hold me under the NDAA citing that I could be detained as I was a potential terrorist threat. Fortunately, my family and I were not home when they arrived.
There has been a great intellectual awakening since the previous election. People are educating themselves rather than believing the media and what they are taught in school. People are learning about economics and the legitimate role of the federal government as prescribed by The Constitution. They are learning about the prosperity of the past when our nation enjoyed individual liberty and workers kept the fruit of their labor. Because of this awakening America elected me to be your next president through the popular vote. That opportunity has been taken away by congressional representatives that failed to recognize the will of their constituents. There is the possibility of recourse through the law, but know it would be appealed to the Supreme Court where the efforts would be lost on the liberal majority that would, all but certainly, rule in favor of Anthony Howe.
There are those among you who are ready to fight. This would bring about needless bloodshed. I am not cowering or acknowledging the legitimacy of Anthony Howe's presidency. I do not recognize the legitimacy of the present corrupt administration either. I believe through their acts against The Constitution, they are enemies of The Constitution and therefore enemies of America.
To those of you who are ready to take up arms, I say stand strong with your arms but do not be the aggressor. I say stand up for your Second Amendment right that Anthony Howe has vowed to steal from you in January. The Second Amendment so eloquently says:
'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.'
Our founding fathers knew that without the ability to fight off tyrants, there would not be a free State. Once this liberty is trampled, there will be nothing to stop the now fully developed police state from infringing upon your every human right including life itself.
So what are we to do if we are not to fight this rogue government? We are to do absolutely nothing. My proposition to you is the American Exit Strategy. The next administration has no plans to alter the course of our country which has been set by the two previous administrations. Howe will continue to spend our nation into the grave through warfare and welfare. To pay for it, he will depend on stealing
the fruits of your labor through his excessive 60% income tax.
He will continue to use The Federal Reserve to pilfer the remainder of the money not taken by the hand of the IRS. Through the continued quantitative easing programs, The Fed creates new dollars that add to those already in circulation. As each new dollar is created, those already in existence are worth less and less. Where does this wealth go when it leaves your wallet or savings account? It goes into the coffers of the Federal Reserve which then funnels it into the budget of the ever-growing federal government. This is inflation. This is why your grocery cart is twice the price and half the weight as it was four years ago. Inflation is a stealth tax that you never see, because you still have the same amount of dollars. The problem is those dollar buy a lot less.
The endless wars and welfare dependency have cost more than could be extracted from the American people through taxation and inflation, so we have borrowed to the limit of our credit. No one will buy our new bonds. We are barely able to maintain the interest on the debt without an outright default. When we do finally default, the dollar will have gone the way of every other fiat currency throughout history. It will have no value at all. Those of you who have all of your wealth in the worthless paper at that point will find yourself penniless.
My recommendation to you is to convert as much as possible into tangible assets. Purchase things you know you will need to survive the coming collapse. Also focus on items that have value and can be stored and easily traded like ammunition, canned goods, coffee, jewelry and even soap and razors.
Convert the rest of your dollars into gold and silver to hedge yourself from this mathematically certain event. The supply of gold and silver coins will quickly be depleted if even a fraction of the American people follow my advice. There is also the possibility that the government will outlaw gold as Franklin D. Roosevelt did in 1933 through Executive Order 6102. If that happens, do not turn it in. The legislation that would ban gold would be designed to steal your wealth from you. It would therefore be, just as a ban on guns, an illegitimate law. Hold on to your wealth by any means necessary. If gold and silver are outlawed or depleted from availability, purchase more of the things you know you will need and will be easily traded.
Even if I had been confirmed as the president elect, I could not have stopped the storm that is coming. My only ambition for the office was to be your guide through the storm that we could come out the other side. As I stated throughout my campaign, I had hoped that we might avoid much unnecessary human casualties through policies that would have provided a much softer landing for our crashing economy. As much as possible, I still intend to help you weather the coming economic hardship, but I will be doing so with much less resources than I would have had access to as president.
When Governor Howe becomes your president, his economic policies will quickly take us to the brink of destruction. You must take responsibility to prepare yourself and your family from the collapse. If you live in a city, you should set a goal of being out before Howe takes office. You should seek out like minded individuals to form communities in rural areas where you can be self sufficient. Once there, you can establish barter networks and exit the dollar as your primary means of trade. This will allow you to keep the fruits of your labor. The barter transactions will be outside of the capabilities of the IRS to steal through taxation and the capabilities of the Federal Reserve to steal through inflation.
When relocating, seek out states that have a reputation for freedom. I hope we will see leadership arise in state governments that will stand up and assert their constitutional sovereignty against this rogue, criminal enemy that is occupying the nation's capitol.
It is my expectation that those who follow my advice will greatly increase their chances of survival. There will be many who do not heed my warning. As I have said before, many of them will die of starvation and violence that cannot be controlled by a bankrupt nation.
There is not only darkness going forward. A majority of those who have supported the oppressive regime of Al Mohammad and voted for Anthony Howe live in the cities. The cities will have the highest die off rates due to resource scarcity and violent crime. Rural areas that are much more self sufficient are predominantly liberty loving patriots that cast their votes for me. Those who survive will be those who tend towards individual liberty. They will soon find that they have outlasted their oppressor. Once the dollar meets its demise, the federal government, like a parasite without a host, will simply wither away.
When this happens, there will be no need for a constitutional convention to frame a new nation as our forefathers had; we need only to adhere to the principles that they put together in The Constitution of America.
For now, brace yourselves as for a storm, for it is surely coming. Be vigilant in defending the Constitution against the tyrant and be faithful in caring for your fellow patriots. We will continue to post new information and updates to the American Exit Strategy to help you navigate through the impending chaos that is to come. Updates will be available through all of our traditional channels as well as our new website at AmericanExitStrategy.com which will be hosted on multiple proxy servers outside of the USA. Hopefully, this will keep the government from keeping the site down. Using redirects, we will switch to another server each time the site is disabled through an attack. If you visit us and the site is down, try back in 30 minutes. This wack-a-mole strategy is our best chance at keeping ahead of the NSA.
Thank you and good night."
Paul shut down the computer. FOX News had aired the entire message. The other major networks had shut it down just after they knew it wasn't a concession speech.
President Al Mohammad and Anthony Howe had both tried to have FOX shut the message down, but their requests were refused. Mustafa Al Mohammad quickly had the paper work drawn up to have Paul Randall labeled as an enemy combatant. This would allow him to take Randall out as soon as he found him. His brand of ruthless murders committed under the Patriot Act had put those of his Neo-Con predecessor to shame. He was happy to be passing on the torch of the iron fist to Howe. The power that had taken so many false flags and so much political wrangling to gain would be in good hands. Al Mohammad would miss the power, but he had enough information on Howe's personal indiscretions to still get things done if they needed to be.
"The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them."
-George Washington
Karen looked at Matt a bit stunned. No one knew what to expect from the Paul Randall speech, but no one expected what they had just heard. Matt sat with his brow furrowed as he digested the message that had just come from the senator.
"What are you thinking?" Karen asked.
"I think we should put the house up for sale tomorrow." Matt answered.
"And go where?" Karen asked.
"We will move to Kentucky, near Adam and Wesley." Matt replied.
"What are we going to do in Kentucky?" Karen asked.
"Try to find a small farm and start growing produce; maybe get some bees and some type of livestock. We have to make the transition now. Everything was falling apart already, but since Paul Randall just put it out there, the clock is ticking. We have to get on board with his plan or get left behind." Matt replied.
"How are we going to be farmers? We don't know anything about farming. How can we make money at farming?" Karen began.
"There won't be any money pretty soon. We will barter with the things we produce and trade with the silver and gold that we have purchased. Trust me on this one Karen. If we stay here, we will die. We won't just pass away in our sleep; we will die the most horrific death you can imagine. Gangs will take over. Once people run out of food, they will turn to cannibalism. Societie
s of much higher integrity than ours have resorted to cannibalism when they were starving." Matt replied.
"Like who?" Karen asked.
"Like the Israelites." Matt answered. He grabbed his Bible and looked up the passage. "The Northern Kingdom of Israel was under siege, and no one could get food into the city of Samaria. 2 Kings 6: 25 -30 reads:
'There was a great famine in the city; the siege lasted so long that a donkey's head sold for eighty shekels of silver, and a quarter of a cab of seed pods for five shekels. As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried to him, "Help me, my lord the king!" The king replied, "If the LORD does not help you, where can I get help for you? From the threshing floor? From the winepress?" Then he asked her, "What's the matter?" She answered, "This woman said to me, 'Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.' So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, 'Give up your son so we may eat him,' but she had hidden him." When the king heard the woman's words, he tore his robes.'
This is not some abstract concept. This is what people do. The Donner party wagon train got stuck in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the 1800's, and they resorted to cannibalism. They were members of a much more civil society than ours. People now will stab you for your tennis shoes, they will shoot you for your necklace, even though there is absolutely no threat of starvation. It’s just the common cruelty of greed and the product of not valuing human life. The wickedness and depravity of this culture is just getting ready to blossom into the most unimaginable flower of desolation that has ever been. You won’t want to read about the things that go on in cities like these a year from now, much less live in one of them. I love you baby, but this subject is not open for discussion. We have to go while we still can."